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Artsakh is the Guarantor of Our Existence – Bishop Torkom Donoyan – The Catholicosate of Cilicia is One of the Pillars of Artsakh’s Rebuilding – Artak Beglaryan

By October 22, 2021June 14th, 2024No Comments

On Thursday, October 21, 2021, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, welcomed the visit of Artsakh State Minister Artak Beglaryan, who was accompanied by Davit Hakobyan, first deputy chief of office of Artsakh’s president, and Board of Regents member Dr. Hasmig Baran.

State Minister Beglaryan commenced his visit to Los Angeles at the Western Prelacy. The honored guest touched on this fact during his meeting with the Prelate, and expressed his appreciation to the Catholicosate of Cilicia and the Western Prelacy for the care and moral and financial support they have demonstrated toward Artsakh, the Armenian army, and the families of martyrs. “The Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the pillars of Artsakh,” stated Mr. Beglaryan, emphasizing the importance of our Holy See in the rebuilding of Artsakh.

During the friendly conversation that ensued, challenges facing Armenia and the Armenian people were discussed, including economic and social needs, while Mr. Beglaryan became more closely familiarized with the endeavors of the Prelacy.

The Prelate highly commended the fervent spirit of independence of the leadership and people of Artsakh and their courage in defending their sovereignty, adding that our Armenian soil is a sacred treasure that was bequeathed to us from our ancestors and that we must bequeath to the future generations. “Artsakh is the guarantor of the existence of each individual Armenian,” stated the Prelate, and concluded by referring to Mr. Beglaryan as “a wandering light in the life of the Armenian people.”

The Prelate was joined in the meeting by Executive Council members Meher Der Ohanessian, George Chorbajian, and Dr. Kaloust Agopian.

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