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Ascension Divine Liturgy And Luncheon

By May 1, 2023May 1st, 2024No Comments

On Thursday, May 18, 2023, on the occasion of the Feast of Ascension, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, presided over the Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s Armenian Church in Glendale. In attendance were Western Prelacy clergy and the faithful. Archpriest Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian celebrated the Liturgy and delivered the sermon.

Following the Liturgy, the Prelate presided over the Western Prelacy Ladies Auxiliary Guild’s annual Ascension Luncheon, which was hosted by Mrs. Nver Samuelian, at “Grandview” banquet hall. In attendance were Executive Council member Mrs. Dzovig Zetlian, representatives of community organizations, benefactors and guests.

Mrs. Sossie Guekeuzian delivered the welcoming remarks and invited Bishop Donoyan to bless the tables and deliver his remarks. The Prelate expounded on the message of the Feast of Ascension and welcomed the guests and especially the mothers in attendance and emphasized upon the virtues of the Armenian mother, in the life of the Armenian Church and the Armenian nation. Following his remarks, the Prelate invited Mrs. Samuelian and presented her with a memento, in appreciation of the continuous support and dedication of the Samuelian family towards the Western Prelacy.

It should be noted that on the occasion of Mother’s Day, each guest received a single rose which was donated by the Prelate. A short program was conducted by “Lilia Dance Studio,” and the atmosphere was enlightened by the songs performed by singer Varant.

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