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Awards Ceremony Of 8th Annual Inter-School Recitation Competition At The Western Prelacy

By May 1, 2023May 1st, 2024No Comments

On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, presided over the awards ceremony of the inter-school recitation competition at the Western Prelacy. The recitation competition was organized by the Western Prelacy’s Board of Regents. In attendance were Mr. Meher Der Ohanessian, Vice-Chair of the Executive Council, members of the Executive Council, Mr. Sarkis Ourfalian, Chair of the Board of Regents, principals, teachers, students and parents.
After reciting the Lord’s Prayer, the Bishop highly commended the efforts and the diligence shown by the teacher-student-parent trio to fill the souls and minds of the Armenian youth with gems taken from Armenian literature as rightful heirs of St. Mesrob Mashdots. “It is our duty to teach our students the beauty of the Armenian language, in order for the Armenian language to thrive for generations” added the Prelate.
Welcoming remarks were delivered by Mrs. Tamar Tufenkjian, Director of the Board of Regents, and congratulated the parents in their efforts to make their children love the Armenian language.
Thereafter, the winners were invited on stage to receive their awards, and each student who took the first position of the four competing groups, classified according to age, recited the poem of their choice, giving moments of literary enjoyment to the audience.

It is important to note that over 85 students from Pilibos Armenian School, Chamlian Armenian School, Ferrahian Armenian School, Cabayan Armenian Elementary School, Mesrobian Armenian School, Ari Guiragos Armenian School, Merdinian Armenian School, Sahag Mesrob Armenian School, Manougian-Demirjian Armenian School, took part in this year’s recitation competition, which took place over two days (April 29 and May 6.)

Below is a list of this year’s winners:

4th grade division:
Maria Mgerian, 1st place (Ari Guiragos Minassian Arm. School)
Natalie Vartkesyan, 2nd place (Vahan & Anoush Chamlian Arm. School)
Aram Manuelian, 3rd place (Armenian Mesrobian School)

5th – 6th grade division:
Lia Stepanian, 1st place (Vahan & Anoush Chamlian Arm. School)
Arpi Hokhigyan, 2nd place (C&E Merdinian Arm. Evangelical School)
Lori Ohanian, 3rd place (Vahan & Anoush Chamlian Arm. School)
Moushegh Churukian, 3rd place (Rose & Alex Pilibos Arm. School)

7th-8th grade division:
Lia Kargodorian, 1st place (Vahan & Anoush Chamlian Arm. School)
Hovig Manoug, 2nd place (Holy Martyrs Ferrahian Arm. School)
Samuel Kasbarian, 3rd place (Armenian Mesrobian School)
Tero Tovmassian, 3rd place (Rose & Alex Pilbos Arm. School)
Alina Akaragian, 3rd place (Vahan & Anoush Chamlian Arm. School)

9th-12th grade division:
Lorig Artinian, 1st place (Armenian Mesrobian School)
Elen Aslanian, 2nd place (Holy Martyrs Ferrahian Arm. School)
Sarin Baronian, 2rd place (Holy Martyrs Ferrahian Arm. School)
Emelina Hakhnazaryan, 3rd place (Rose & Alex Pilbos Arm. School)
Nicole Bchakjian, 3rd place (Holy Martyrs Ferrahian Arm. School)

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