On Sunday, October 4, 2020, by the ordinance of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, “Der Voghormya” prayers were offered in all Prelacy Churches during Divine Liturgy for the security of our homeland, the safety of our compatriots, and the restoration of peace. At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, requiem prayers were offered for the souls of our heroic martyrs in Artsakh.
The Prelate presided over Divine Liturgy and delivered his message at Forty Martyrs Church in Orange County.
His Eminence began his message by noting that it is the seventh day that our brave soldiers have been defending our sacred lands with faith and dogged resolve and fighting the same enemy which tried to annihilate us during the Genocide, this time Turkey joining forces with Azerbaijan. The Prelate centered his message on the following verse from the day’s Scripture reading, the second epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 13:5-13); “ Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?”
“We are proud to be the first nation to officially adopt Christianity as the state religion. Throughout the centuries, we have had bright and luminous periods in our faith and life journey, but we have also had challenging periods, which serve to remind us to examine ourselves to see if we have the same faith as our forefathers, if we are leading our lives according to God’s will, if we sense Christ’s presence in our lives and accept His Word as truth,” stated the Prelate.
His Eminence stressed that this is a critical time for our people, reminiscent of the life and death struggle in Artsakh in the early 1990’s and of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. However, three years after the Genocide, with staunch faith and unwavering fortitude, we rose again and fought for our independence at the battle of Sardarabad. Today is the “new Sardarabad” that we are fighting. The Armenian Army, our commanders and soldiers, are fighting with the same heroism, ready to sacrifice their lives under the motto death or liberty, by faith in the power and message of the Cross, so that Artsakh and Armenia remain free and independent.
“It’s time for collective examination and introspection, to ask ourselves where we stand in our faith and patriotism in relation to that of our forefathers. Now is the time for each and every one of us to do our part to support the Armenian Army and our compatriots, to proclaim that we are by their side as one nation, one entity, and one people. Let us pray for the repose of the souls of our martyrs, let us pray for God to protect our people, keep them steadfast in their faith and resolve, and grant patience to all. We will win with faith, patriotism, and unity. Let us put faith into action and express our love and support for our brothers and sisters in Artsakh and Armenia through our generous contributions to Armenia Fund, for the defense of Armenia and Artsakh is the defense of the entire Armenian nation,” concluded the Prelate.