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Episcopal Divine Liturgy and Blessing of Water at Holy Martyrs Armenian Church in Encino – “My Body is Your Temple Lord, Do Not Allow Me to Build Within”

By September 1, 2022May 31st, 2024No Comments

On Sunday, August 28, 2022, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, celebrated Divine Liturgy, delivered his message and blessed the water with the newly consecrated Holy Muron at Holy Martyrs Armenian Church in Encino. Archpriest Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian assisted during the Liturgy. In attendance were H.E. Archbishop Yeprem Tabakian and H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, members of the Executive Council, delegates and representatives of community organizations.

In his message, the Prelate emphasized his message on the Parable of the Calming of the water and the fear of the apostles that were sailing with Jesus Christ. He stated; “Every person will go through storms during their life, but those who turn to Christ with faith and trust, will find peace in their soul, because they have Jesus Christ as their Lord and not material idols.”

Continuing his message, Bishop Donoyan interpreted the words of the Apostle Paul, as follows; “Today we are all invited to pray for each other, so that we do not remain in trials and tribulations. Because the sincere prayer that we raise for each other can free and save us from all difficulties and misfortunes. We must always remember that the sufferings we have endured on earth are nothing compared to the divine glory and gifts that Christ promised us, especially to all those who are joined together by faith and formed an inseparable union with our Heavenly Father.”

The Prelate concluded his message with a prayer, stating; “Lord, do not allow me to build idols within my body, but let it be a Temple, where I will sing praise to You.”

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