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Ground Blessing of the New Stadium at Mesrobian Armenian School – A Stone from the Historical Catholicosate in Sis

By October 27, 2022May 31st, 2024No Comments

On Saturday, October 22, 2022, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, conducted a ground blessing of a new stadium at Mesrobian Armenian School. In attendance were; the Mayor of the City of Montebello, clergy, representatives of the Executive Council, Board of Regents, Holy Cross Cathedral Board of Trustees, Construction committee, Principal and teachers of Mesrobian School, benefactors, parents and students. A short program followed.

During the ceremony, a stunning moment of piety occurred when the co-chairman of the construction committee, Mr. Chris Guldjian, presented Bishop Donoyan a stone which was brought by him from the historical Catholicosate of Sis, which, after being blessed by the Prelate, was to be placed in the soil. This stone symbolizes the faith of our grandfathers, especially their eternal memory at Mesrobian Armenian School and its national, educational, social, sports and cultural activities.

The Mesrobian Armenian School is a unique educational structure in the life of the Armenian people, particularly in East Los Angeles, where children and the youth receive a healthy and complete Armenian Christian education and upbringing. The construction of this new stadium will bring more attention to the future endeavors of the Mesrobian Armenian School.

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