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Historical Day of Inauguration for the People of San Fernando

By May 3, 2022June 4th, 2024No Comments

On Sunday, May 1, 2022, following the Divine Liturgy at Holy Martyrs Church was followed by a special procession, led by H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, accompanied by Archbishops, members of the Religious and Executive councils, delegates, representatives of the Board of Regents, Board of Trustees members, Holy Martyrs Ferrahian School principal, teachers and students, deacons and Church choir members, benefactors and faithful joined in singing hymns for the newly purchased property for the collective, where the Prelate conducted a special prayer of blessing.

During the event, Holy Martyrs Ferrahian School’s Educational Board chairperson Mr. Vahe Benlian presented the Prelate the keys to the newly acquired land, as a symbol of gratitude and respect for the Prelate’s unique role, as well as the Executive councils’ hard work in acquiring this new property. Also, a key was presented to Holy Martyrs Ferrahian School’s principal, Mrs. Sossi Shanlian.

The Prelate stated that, “In the life of the Western Prelacy, generally and the community of the San Fernando Valley, in particular, today is not only historic, but also a triumphant day, because yesterday’s impossibility became a reality today, thanks to the collective resolve of our people, the belief of our benefactors, the hard work of our communities cultural and religious representatives, the unwavering support of the benefactors, and with the guidance of the Western Prelacy, these dreams were realized. Endless respects to the known and anonymous donors and benefactors, who give body and realization to the visions, with the continued wisdom of and leadership of God, for the enjoyment of our Armenian people and our succeeding generations.”

At the conclusion of the event, attendees were able to roam the new property and live in the joy of the Prelacy’s new leap forward.

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