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Holy Cross Church Jubilee Celebrations Concluded by a Concert

By October 26, 2022May 31st, 2024No Comments

On Sunday, October 23, 2022, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, presided over a concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Holy Cross Church. In attendance were Clergy, members of the Executive Council and the faithful. The concert was conducted by members of the Holy Cross Church choir soloists; Linet, Elena and Edna Karamian sisters, under the direction of Berj Kirazian and singers Rosie-Anoush Svazlian, Anayis Heghoyan-Tomassi, California Youth Association “Gomidas” choir, led by Mikael Avedissian and assisted by Dudug player Emmanuel Hovanissian and pianists Hripsime Rshdouni and Kohar Toranian.

Opening remarks were delivered by the Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, Dean of Holy Cross Cathedral, where he reflected upon the various programs which were made during the jubilee celebrations and the centuries-old cultural values of the Armenian Church and the nation.

In the closing speech, the Prelate stated; “The Armenian nation, faith and identity is flowing with new vigor today from the Holy Cross Cathedral.” He emphasized that the 100-year anniversary opens new horizons for the youth, and the church will grow within the life of the nation, not as a mere building, but as a spiritual, moral and cultural presence.

Bishop Donoyan invited Vice Chair of the Religious Council Very Rev. Fr. Smpad Sabounjian to read H.H. Aram I., Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia’s letter forwarded on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Holy Cross Church. The evening concluded by the singing of “Giligia.”

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