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On The Occasion Of The Great Lent The Representative Of The Prelate Visits Ararat Home

By March 8, 2024June 18th, 2024No Comments

On Friday, March 8, 2024, in observance of the Great Lent, the representative of H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate of the Western Prelacy of the United States, Very Rev. Fr. Zareh Sarkissian, accompanied by clergy and deacons, visited Ararat Home in Mission Hills and led the Sunrise Service. During this visit, Very Rev. Fr. Sarkissian offered his prayers and conveyed the blessings and well wishes of H.G. Bishop Donoyan to the elderly residents, management, as well as all the nurses and staff of Ararat Home.

In his message, Very Rev. Fr. Sarkissian emphasized the significance of fasting as a crucial period for spiritual growth in the life of a Christian and a period when individuals, strengthened by the hope of resurrection, undergo various sacrifices, and face various deprivations and self-resistance. Very Rev. Fr. Sarkissian shared that “Through this journey of sacrifice and self-discipline, a mindful Christian will be prepared to welcome and embrace the sacred observance of Easter and its glorious blessings”.

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