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Pan Armenian Council of Western United States Stands in Solidarity with Armenia and Condemns Azeri Aggression

By July 17, 2020June 3rd, 2024No Comments

The Pan Armenian Council of Western United States (PAC-WUS) and its member organizations stand in solidarity with the people of Armenia and its Armed Forces against the attempts of transgression by Azerbaijan’s military onto territories of the Republic of Armenia.

The PAC-WUS also condemns the statement of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in support of the Azerbaijani attacks against the civilian villagers of Armenia.

Turkey and Azerbaijan have for decades utilized a policy of geopolitical and economic isolation of Armenia. We view these latest attacks on the territorial integrity of Armenian lands as escalation of their efforts to break the will and resolve of peace loving people of Armenia and Artsakh, and of the worldwide Armenian Diaspora.

The PAC-WUSA and the tens of thousands of its members renew the pledge to support Armenia, in defense of our homeland by any and all means necessary.


Armenian Assembly of America
Armenian Bar Association
Armenian Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg of North America
Armenian Democratic Liberal Party Western District
Armenian General Benevolent Union, Western District
Armenian Evangelical Union of North America
Armenian Missionary Association of America
Armenian National Committee of America, Western Region
Armenian Relief Society of Western USA
Armenian Revolutionary Federation of Western USA
Armenian Society of Los Angeles – Iranahay Miutyun
Armenian Youth Association of California – Irakahay Miutyun
Armenian Youth Federation of Western USA
Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society of the Western USA
Homenetmen Western USA
Iraqi Armenian Family Association of Los Angeles
Kessab Educational Association
Organization of Istanbul Armenians
Service Employees International Union – Armenian Caucus
Southern California Armenian Democrats
Tekeyan Cultural Association
Unified Young Armenians
Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America

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