It is the blessed moment of the Eve of Nativity and Theophany of Jesus Christ, on the evening of Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at St. Mary’s Church in Glendale. God Himself appears on earth as the Holy Child incarnate in the manger of Bethlehem. During the first message as the newly elected, young, energetic Prelate of the Western Prelacy, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan extends his hands to God and the people, saying: “Dear faithful, with faith in God, behold, let us put our hands together on the Holy Hand of God and progress forward. Amen.”
Your wisdom is always great, O Lord, and it is so wonderful! The Eve of Nativity and Theophany floods the universe with warmth, which its manifestation is evident within the Church, when the Prelate is celebrating the Divine Liturgy.
“Christ is Born and Revealed. Blessed is the Revelation of Christ.”
Throughout the Divine Liturgy, praise flowed out from the voices of the soloists and members of the choir. What a mysterious moment when the Good News was sounded from the Holy Altar to all those present at the Church. In that moment, the centuries old Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Church reached its zenith.
It should be noted that according to the laws of public health professionals against the Corona virus pandemic, it was not possible to accept all the faithful in the church; however, the service was broadcasted on USArmenia and live streamed on the Western Prelacy’s Facebook page.
Archbishops of the Armenian Church, representatives of Armenian denominations, Clergy, the Religious and Executive Councils, members of the Central Executive Council, Consul General of Armenia in Los Angeles, Honorary Consul of Armenia in Fresno and representatives of community organizations.
Find the Prelate’s message here.