On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, under the auspices of H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, and the organization by the Executive Council, and by the Western Prelacy “Satig Der Ohanessian” Fund, an unprecedented concert was held at St. Mary’s Armenian Church in Glendale, which was dedicated to the memory of Gomidas and in memory of all the Martyr’s of the Armenian Genocide. The concert was under the direction of Mr. Berj Kirazian, and the participation of singers; Armine Vartanian, Victoria Zakarian, Vahagn Hovenz and Kristina Tavlatian, and maestro Mikayel Avetisian, with the accompaniment of the pianists Armine Derderian and Hripsime Rshdouni, and Emmanuel Hovanissian on the Dudug. The Hamazkayin “Nairian” choir, led by Lusine Meliksetian, also took part in the concert.
The concert was attended by clergy, Rev. Henrik Shahnazarian, Minister to the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Deputy Consul of Armenia in Los Angeles Mrs. Nazeli Hambardzumian and advisers, Mr. Meher Der Ohanessian and family members, members of the Executive Council, Board of Trustees, representatives of community organizations and the faithful.
Opening remarks were delivered by Very Rev. Fr. Zareh Sarkissian, Dean of St. Mary’s Armenian Church, noting that the conception of this concert was the idea of Bishop Donoyan, together with the Mr. Berj Kirazian. During the concert, the attendees listened to more than 30 songs composed by Gomitas, which were performed with high-quality choral performances, commemorating the memory of all the Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide.
The concert concluded with “Dle Yaman” and under thunderous applause, Mr. Kirazian thanked all the faithful for their attendance. In his concluding remarks, Bishop Donoyan reaffirmed the universal commitment of the Armenians to their homeland Armenia, Artsakh, church and cultural, stressing that only the Armenian nation has a “Gomidas,” and only the Armenian-Christian person can understand and fully interpret the Gomidasian chants, which keep our national identity alive and guide it to eternity.