By the invitation of H.H. Aram I., Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia, a National General Assembly will convene on December 7-9, 2022, in Antelias. This Assembly takes place once every four years. During the Western Prelacy National Representative Assembly which was held in October, 15 delegates and 3 co-delegates were elected to attend the General National Assembly in Antelias.
The elected delegates held a meeting with H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, and discussed various topics which will be conferred upon during the National Assembly. It is important to note that the Prelate, Religious and Executive Councils and the National delegates express their support and firm believe in the efforts put forth by the Pontiff in enlightening the Catholicosate and the prelacies worldwide, and wish upon His Holiness longevity and green pastures ahead.