On Saturday, October 15, 2022, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, departed to San Francisco for a five-day pastoral visit, where on Sunday, October 16, 2022, Episcopal Divine Liturgy was celebrated and a blessing of water ceremony took place at St. Gregory the Illuminator Church in San Francisco. During his sermon, the Prelate stated; “Today, evil is a bolder presence in our life, resulting in the excess of difficulties on earth and in people’s lives. The strongest weapon to fight against evil is the light of Christ, just as He said ‘I am the Light of the World.’ May the inexhaustible light of Christ become a dominant presence in our lives, so that people’s lives will be full of goodness and evil will cease to exist.”
At the conclusion of the blessing of the water, the Prelate expressed the hope that the blessed water will cleanse the minds, souls and lives and keep Armenians firmly in their national-Christian identity. Also, praying that love and unity will multiply in the life of the nation, that the spirit of brotherhood will spread new branches in Armenia and the Diaspora.
On the same day, the Church annual banquet – dedicated to the service of Very Rev. Fr. Smpad Sabounjian, Pastor of St. Gregory the Illuminator Church – took place at the “Saroyan” Hall. A program followed, during which heartfelt speeches were delivered. Fr. Sabounjian in turn delivered his speech, expressing his gratitude for the support shown by those present towards the church and its mission.
In his remarks, Bishop Donoyan congratulated Fr. Sabounjian on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his priestly ordination and consecration, believing that the new decade that is opening will be a significant period full of great accomplishments for him, then referring to the important role of the Armenian Church, he emphasized; “The church is a sanctuary and a part of heaven on earth, and all of us, clergy and laity are invited to be the greatest supporter of the Church.”
In the following days, the Bishop held meetings with members of the community and a number of benefactors in order to better organize various initiatives planned for the future.
On the morning of Thursday, October 20, 2022, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, member of the Executive Council Mr. Garbis Bezjian, Very Rev. Fr. Smpad Sabounjia and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Rostom Aintablian, visited KZV Armenian School where they were welcomed by the Principal Mrs. Grace Antonian and the Chairman of the Educational Council Mr. Harut Momjian.
It should be noted that after being elected as Prelate of the Western Prelacy, this was the first visit of Bishop Donoyan to KZV Armenian School. On this occasion, KZV students performed a short program. Then, the Bishop toured all the classes of the school and had conversations with students. The tour was followed by a luncheon, during which the Prelate highly commended the efforts of the Principal, teachers, the Educational Body and all the volunteers which will take the school to future higher achievements.
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