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The Western Prelacy Observes The Feast Of St. Stephen The Protomartyr

By January 3, 2025No Comments

On Saturday, December 20, 2024, at 7 p.m., the Feast of St. Stephen the Protomartyr Deacon was solemnly observed at St. Mary’s Armenian Apostolic Church of Glendale, under the auspices of H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy of the United States with the participation of the Western Prelacy clergy, deacons, and semi-deacons who honored the memory of St. Stephen, the first deacon martyred for his faith in Christ, through heartfelt prayers and singing of hymns.

The spiritual clergy and deacons of the Western Prelacy, under the leadership of H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian, gathered together in prayer in front of the Holy Altar and reaffirmed their commitment during the Prelate’s message.

H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian based his reflections on the Gospel of John when discussing the spiritual state of Jesus Christ during the final days of his life on earth. Referring to the Last Supper with his disciples, H.E. Archbishop Khacherian shared, “During the Last Supper, Jesus suddenly rose. He laid aside his robe, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist, poured water into a basin, and began to wash his disciples’ feet.”

When it was Apostle Peter’s turn, he objected and asked, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Jesus then responded to Apostle Peter stating, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand why I need to wash your feet.” H.E. Archbishop Khacherian explained that through this act, Jesus demonstrated to his disciples the humble spirit and servant-like attitude that should be adopted by his followers, emphasizing the importance of serving one another. Drawing a connection between the act of Jesus Christ and St. Stephen the Protomartyr Deacon, H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian observed how the latter dedicated his entire life according to the Lord’s teachings and served the church and fellow mankind out of love for his Lord citing Jesus’ words, “I did not come into the world to be served but to serve.” The Prelate encouraged the spiritual fathers and deacons to emulate St. Stephen the Protomartyr Deacon example by being faithful witnesses of Jesus’ teachings and living a life of service.

After the ceremony, the procession of the religious clergy, led by H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian, proceeded to the church hall for a reception meal.

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