“We Dedicate This Dinner And Evening In Your Honor,
As A Token Of Our Appreciation For Your Moral And Financial
Support And Faithful Service,” H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian
On Monday, January 6, 2025, at 7:00 PM, with the initiative of the Western Prelacy’s Religious and Executive Council, the “Traditional Christmas Dinner of the Prelate” was held at the Baghramian Hall of the Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Cathedral in Montebello. H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy of the United States, as an expression of his appreciation deemed the evening as a thanksgiving celebration of the Western Prelacy, and dedicated the evening to all the faithful supporters of the Western Prelacy giving them the earned title of “Benefactor.” In his remarks, H.E. Archbishop Khacherian conveyed:
“As the Prelate of the Western Prelacy, from the very beginning of my tenure, we bestowed upon this Prelacy the honor of being called a ‘Benefactor Prelacy,’ because we saw the potential in all of you, the energy to give and to dedicate yourselves with unwavering commitment for the empowerment and flourishment of this community. Today, we seize this opportunity to transform this formal evening and especially this dinner into the thanksgiving celebration of the Western Prelacy, expressing our appreciation and gratitude on behalf of the Western Prelacy through the presence and leadership of the Prelate to all of you, devout, faithful and dedicated members volunteers, benefactors, and donors of the Western Prelacy. Thank you to all of you.”
The annual traditional Christmas dinner, organized by the Western Prelacy Ladies Auxiliary and this year attended by 550 guests, serves as the Prelacy’s sole annual fundraising event. With H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian’s announcement and heartfelt acknowledgment, this year’s dinner took on new significance filling the hearts of all attendees with warmth and gratitude.
Among the distinguished guests in attendance were Dr. Karen Israyelyan, Consul General of Armenia in Los Angeles, and his wife, as well as the evening’s honorary hosts, benefactors of religious and national community institutions, Mr. and Mrs. Aris and Angela Stambolian. Also in attendance were Central Executive Council members Mr. Rostom Aintablian and Mr. Gaidzag Zetlian, the Western Prelacy’s Religious Council, Clergy, Executive Council, affiliated bodies, local Board of Trustees, Board of Regents, and principals and administrators of Prelacy Armenian Schools, as well as benefactors, donors, representatives from religious, national, educational, and community organizations and friends.
Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian served as the evening’s master of ceremonies and delivered the opening remarks, and Mrs. Vania Babikian, Chairwoman of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Western Prelacy, shared a welcome address on behalf of the Ladies Auxiliary. The welcoming address was followed by the procession of the Western Prelacy clergy, led by H.E. Archbishop Khacherian, who entered the hall creating a festive and sacred atmosphere. Accompanied by hymns performed by the choir of St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church of Pasadena, attendees rose to their feet, holding candles, in reverence toward the clergy, with the spirit of Christmas, love, and respect. The proclamation of the birth of Jesus Christ was followed by the traditional wine and consecrated bread ceremony (tatakh), which captivated the symbolic atmosphere of the evening, after which H.E. Archbishop Khacherian blessed the tables.
The guests then listened to a recorded message from His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia. In his message, His Holiness Aram I encouraged everyone to leave behind past difficulties and challenges and to embrace a renewed spirit of unity and progress while opening a new chapter for the Western Prelacy.
During the evening, Dr. Karen Israyelyan offered congratulatory remarks, followed by Mr. George Chorbajian, Secretary of the Executive Council Western Prelacy, who highlighted the evening’s large gathering as a testament to the Executive Council’s success. Mr. Chorbajian also congratulated H.E. Archbishop Khacherian on his first official Christmas dinner with the Western Prelacy family.
The formal program concluded with a message by H.E. Archbishop Khacherian. The Prelate first honored the evening’s honorary hosts, presenting them with a certificate of appreciation and blessing, along with a commemorative memento. In his message, Archbishop Khacherian also praised the faith and devotion of the attendees towards the religious, national, educational, and humanitarian mission of the Western Prelacy and the selfless dedication of its members, volunteers, and community representatives. In appreciation for the traditional Christmas dinner held in his honor, the Prelate dedicated the evening to the assembled guests, describing them as worthy children and tireless servants of the mission of the Western Prelacy stating, “If this hall could have the means, I would number all your tables as table one, for through your efforts, moral and financial support, and sacred service, you all are deserving to be ranked in the foremost position.”
In his message, Archbishop Khacherian, reflecting on His Holiness Aram I’s declaration of 2025 as the “Year of the Revival of Traditions,” added, “All of us together, will walk the path of beautiful traditions created through the efforts of the children of the Western Prelacy. May the Western Prelacy, like a caring parent, always embrace its parishes, national and educational institutions, and people, and in return enjoy the deserving love, respect, dedication, and support of its children, your children, and grandchildren. This way, the tradition of collective contribution to our communal life will endure, passing from generation to generation.” The Prelate then emphasized that the Western Prelacy of the United States is a model of the most successful teamwork within the Diaspora and the Armenian world at large, and he wished everyone health, resilience, and an unyielding spirit, and concluded by stating, “Let us move forward together.”
The dinner’s cultural program was enriched by the ensemble of artist Rouben Haroutounian, who performed joyful Christmas music using traditional Armenian instruments, adding an uplifting touch to the evening.