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H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian Presided Over Divine Liturgy, Delivered A Sermon At Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church, And Presided Over The Church Ladies Guild Christmas Luncheon

By December 17, 2024No Comments

On Sunday, December 8, 2024, H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy of the United States, presided over Divine Liturgy and delivered a sermon at Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church in Encino, urging the faithful parishioners to read the Bible from God’s perspective, to embrace Christian values in their daily lives, and to prioritize selflessness as a core principle of human existence.

The message conveyed in the sermon by H.E. Archbishop Khacherian was inspired by the 14th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, in which Jesus discusses inviting people to a meal or dinner. H.E. Archbishop Khacherian shared the verse from the Gospel of Luke stating, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. When you give a reception invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” The Prelate elaborated on these teachings, emphasizing the values of Christian humanitarianism living a selfless lifestyle, performing good deeds without any expectations, and receiving the reward of God.

At the conclusion of his sermon, H.E. Archbishop Khacherian highlighted the participation of the third-grade students from Holy Martyrs Marie Cabayan Elementary School in the Divine Liturgy, where they showcased their graceful singing of the hymn “Christ in Our Midst.” The Prelate expressed his appreciation and admiration for the students and their teacher, Mrs. Haverj Sanossian, and shared his observation of seeing smiles on the faces of the parishioners in the church and interpreted them in three ways. First, the smiles on the faces of parents who felt joy seeing their children serve the Armenian Church. Second, he noted the smiles of the church members, symbolizing hope for the future through the students’ presence, as well as inner joy as the Prelate of the Western Prelacy. H.E. Archbishop Khacherian emphasized that these smiles reflect confidence in the spiritual, national, and cultural education provided to the boys and girls of Prelacy Armenian Schools stating, “An incredibly beautiful and tangible example of the education provided by the Prelacy Armenian Schools, through which our children are nurtured from a young age to become tomorrow’s brave guardians, spiritual and national leaders of our traditional and modern institutions, as well in preserving our centuries-old heritage and values, such as the Armenian language, our homeland, Armenia, the Armenian Church, and the Armenian culture.

After the Divine Liturgy, H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian, along with spiritual fathers, and community members, headed to the Gate Restaurant, to attend a Christmas luncheon organized by the Ladies Guild of Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church. This year’s Christmas luncheon was generously hosted by community benefactor Mrs. Khatoun Sarian. The luncheon was attended by the large family of Holy Martyrs Armenian Church, as well as representatives of various national, humanitarian, and educational community organizations, and guests.

The luncheon commenced with a prayer led by H.E. Archbishop Khacherian, followed by opening remarks from Archpriest Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian, Pastor of Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church in Encino. Mrs. Nancy Bedirian, Chairlady of the organizing committee, welcomed the participants to this year’s Christmas luncheon and invited the Prelate to share his message. The Prelate expressed his appreciation and offered his blessings to those present, praised the volunteer efforts and service of the Ladies Auxiliary in supporting the growth of the Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church and the Armenian community, and bestowed his blessings to the host of the luncheon, Mrs. Khatoun Sarian, and her son, Dr. Mike Sarian, National and Community Benefactor.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and Ladies Guild of Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church, a memento was presented to Mrs. Sarian as a token of appreciation, thanking her for hosting this year’s luncheon, her service to the church, and the Sarian family’s contribution to the Western Prelacy. At the conclusion of the luncheon, H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian conveyed his fatherly blessings, wishing everyone present a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas.

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