– A Call For Unity And Support
On the afternoon of Friday, January 10, 2025, H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy of the United States, along with Mr. George Chorbajian and Mr. Sarkis Tatikian, members of the Executive Council of the Western Prelacy, visited the Armenian community of Pasadena, which was directly impacted by the recent fires that have ravaged the area causing unsurmountable damage in Los Angeles and surroundings cities. H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian held a meeting with the Armenian families impacted by the recent fires and were currently sheltered at St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church in Pasadena. Many of these families had lost their homes, apartments, and workplaces due to the devastating fire, while others had come to St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church seeking safety.
In response to the call to support the Armenian community in Pasadena and surrounding communities, H.E. Archbishop Khacherian conveyed a message from His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia, wishing those seeking shelter safety, and survival. H.E. Archbishop Khacherian shared that His Holiness Aram I is attentive to the current disastrous circumstances facing the Armenian community of Los Angeles, and is closely monitoring the developments and consequences of this natural disaster. H.E. Archbishop Khacherian then provided fatherly blessings to encourage strength and courage among the members of the community, urging the Armenian community in Los Angeles to come together and unite to face these catastrophic and challenging days while providing support to all those affected by this natural disaster, “so that we overcome these difficult circumstances and move forward.”
H.E. Archbishop Khacherian further mentioned that the Armenian people are recognized for their enduring resilience throughout history, demonstrating a tradition of survival. As a result, our community will undoubtedly overcome and recover from this tragedy through faith and mutual support.
During a conversation with families sheltered at St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church, H.E. Archbishop Kegham Khacherian learned about the current circumstances and conditions of the disaster-stricken community, the challenges the victims are facing, and their various needs. The Prelate expressed hope and optimism that “the Armenian people worldwide will come together to provide united support and assistance, utilizing all feasible resources to collectively and effectively address and overcome this crisis brought upon by nature.”