On Tuesday, August 8, 2023, H.G. Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Prelate, welcomed H.E. Archbishop Krikor Chiftjian, Prelate of Adrbadagan, Iran. Accompanying the Archbishop was his mother.
During the meeting, various topics concerning both Prelacies were discussed. Archbishop Chiftjian expressed his awe towards the efforts of the Western Prelacy and the benefactors who fully support the endeavors of the Western Prelacy and the Bishop.
After emphasizing the assistance brought by the Western Prelacy to the suffering communities in Artsakh and Armenia, he also recalled the initiative of Bishop Donoyan to personally visit the families of the martyrs of the homeland and his tireless spirit of service to help all Armenians in need, “even in such difficult situations, when the Western Prelacy is facing difficulties of its own,” stated the Archbishop.
Bishop Donoyan expressed his gratitude and thanked the Archbishop for his fraternal support and stated “his prayers and remarks created a sweet atmosphere within the Prelacy.” The Prelate wished him strength and ability in his mission.
We would like to note that Archbishop Chiftjian, during his prelature records his visits to every Armenian church and chapel, and summarizes them in volumes, the first two of which, last November, were presented by a special initiative to the Western Prelacy. Currently, Archbishop Chiftjian will complete the third volume of his work devoted to the Armenian monuments of Adrbadagan.